On successful completion of the B.Sc. Botany program, the students are expected to:
- Implement the concept of science and technology to foster the traditional and modern
techniques for solving the complex problems in Plant Biology and Plant Biotechnology.
- Ensure the use of contemporary tools and techniques in understanding the scope and significance of Botany.
- Develop the scientific problem solving skills during experimentation, research projects,
analysis and interpretation of data.
- EDesign scientific experiments independently and to generate useful information to
address various issues in Botany.
- Enhanced capacity to think critically; ability to design and execute experiments
independently and/or team under multidisciplinary settings
- Design and standardize protocols for public health and safety, and cultural, societal, and
environmental considerations
- Apply appropriate techniques, resources, and modern ICT tools for understanding plant
- Demonstrate the contextual knowledge in sustainable exploitation of medicinal,
economically important and endangered plants as per the National Biodiversity Act.
- Follow the concept of professional ethics and bioethics norms for practicing the value of
plant kingdom.
- Communicate proficiently with various stakeholders and society, to comprehend and to
write and present reports effectively.
Acquire good knowledge and understanding, to solve specific theoretical & applied
problems in different areas of the specific discipline of study.
Understand, formulate, develop arguments logically to address issues arising in social
sciences, business and other context/fields.
To prepare the students who will demonstrate respectful engagement with other’s ideas,
behaviors, beliefs and apply diverse frames of references to decisions and actions. To create effective
entrepreneurs by enhancing their critical thinking, problem solving, decision making and leadership skill that
will facilitate startups and high potential organizations. To encourage practices grounded in research that
with employment laws, leading the organization towards growth and development.
On completion of the M. Sc. Programme in Botany the students will be able to:
- Clear, comprehensive and advanced mastery in the field of Botany.
- Understand the advanced areas of biological sciences with special reference to Botany
and its applied branches.
- Skill in practical work, experiments, use of biological tool and techniques
- Expertise in statistical analyses of data for better interpretations and problem solving.
- Confidence to apply the acquired knowledge in practical life so as to make our country
- Ability to suggest innovative programs to care for nature and life for sustainable
- Awareness to explore the intricacies of life forms at cellular, molecular and nano level
- Motivation and enthusiasm to appreciate the beauty of different life forms.
- Inspiration to disseminate the concept of biodiversity conservation.
- Problem solving skills in students to carry out innovative research projects thereby
enkindling in them the spirit of knowledge creation.
- Proficiency in the use of recent and advanced biological technologies
- Ability to appreciate and practice ethical principles in research and studies in the field
of biological science
The Ph.D. Scholars will understand the needfulness of research for the development of science and the welfare
of the human race, gain hands-on experience of various techniques involved in conducting scientific research,
learn to communicate the scientific results through research publications, news articles, magazines, books,
documentaries and work forward for the lab-to-land transition of scientific research.